Thursday, September 4, 2008


When Mommy started giving me solid foods last month, I wasn't a big fan. I would try just about anything, but didn't want more than a couple of bites. The nurse at my doctor's office suggested that she just offer me a little bit of food twice a day. No one ever told her when (or how) to increase the amount.

When I started at my new school this week, I noticed that the other kids had a lot more food than I did. I asked my new teachers about this, and they politely informed Mommy that she might want to send a little extra food -- just in case I was hungry for more.

Mommy, always the skeptic, called the nurse. The nurse told Mommy that I should be eating three meals a day (not two), and quite a bit more than I have been eating. I don't want to alarm anyone, but the nurse said I should probably be eating 2-3 times as much as I was. Don't worry, I was making up for it with my milk intake.

Now, I don't want to let Mommy off the hook too easy, because I have been trying to tell her for weeks now that I am REALLY HUNGRY, but it seems like someone should have brought this to her attention before now. This is her first time, you know.

She made up for it tonight - I had a delicious feast of Turkey Vegetable Dinner, with pears for dessert. I am not exaggerating when I say it was the best meal I have ever had (no offense Mommy).

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