I demand that my loyal subjects entertain me at all times. I signal my approval of their efforts by doing the "happy dance." What you see here is a new take on the happy dance, and it is used only in situations when I am EXTREMELY happy. Almost violently so.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Dinner is an adventure!

On Sunday, I fussed and fussed all afternoon long. Turns out all I wanted was some cereal. The second Mommy put me in the chair to eat, I started doing my happy dance (arms and legs kicking simultaneously).
On Monday...cereal? Are you kidding me? I want milk! What is wrong with you?
Tuesday...cereal again!
On the nights that I do like my cereal, I like to eat it in a very particular way. I like to chase each spoonful of cereal with a little thumb. (Try it-I promise you'll never eat any other way!)
So here's the way my meals generally go: I begin with the happy dance, open my mouth and wait for the first bite. After the first bite, I take a little rest and suck my thumb. Then, when I am ready, I open my mouth and wait for bite #2. Then-this is the best part-I wait quietly for the next bite, and when the spoon is just about to my mouth...I start the happy dance again! Food goes flying everywhere!
When I'm done, Mommy wipes my face off, picks me up, and...BLECH! Out comes the cereal on her shirt! Turns out I wasn't even hungry to begin with! Ha ha ha...
Hey, Choppers!

Monday, June 16, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008

My mom is Fat Sloppy Mommy. She told me that she refuses to buy things in a bigger size, because soon she will be able to wear the clothes she wore before I came along. So we have two kinds of clothes - those that are too small and those that are way too large (aka maternity clothes). We went out for a walk yesterday evening, and Mom was wearing what she wears every day after work - baggy drawstring pants and one of Daddy's t-shirts. Not the most slimming ensemble. It's one thing to wear that in the house, but outside??? Where other people can see you???
I told her that she needed to pace herself. I am not even a teenager yet-she has years to work up to this kind of embarrassment. For now, lets just stick to dressing me in silly outfits. (Exhibit A - the hat in the picture above). No need to go all in just yet.