Lucy has offered up a slew of defenses against our attempts to limit her thumb sucking to "sleepy time" only. She started small - "I have a tickle in my mouth." Then she started faking sleep so she could do it. Yesterday, her grandma reminded her that big girls only suck their thumbs when they are sleeping. Lucy replied, "I know that. I am tricking my mommy. She doesn't know that I am doing it."
Today, I think I was officially outsmarted by a 3 year old.
Mommy: If you want to be a big girl, you can only suck your thumb when you are sleeping.
Lucy: I am pretending to be a baby.
Mommy: You can't be a baby anymore, you're too big.
Lucy: Mommy, I can pretend to be anything I want. Today Lauren was pretending that she was a cat.
Mommy: (silence)
Lucy: We are not talking about this anymore.
Well played, my dear. Well played.