Monday, December 13, 2010


Lucy hasn't decided exactly how she feels about the arrival of her baby brothers. This morning she said, "I love babies." When I mentioned her brothers, she thought for a minute and then said, "I meant OTHER babies." Hmmmmm.....


After they had breakfast with Santa, Andy and Lucy went to the Bird Sanctuary next to the church to hunt for Gadzooks. Gadzooks is the abominable snowman in the Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer cartoon. In the cartoon, Yukon Cornelius (who is looking for the abominable snowman) frequently says, "Gadzooks!" And so it is now the snowman's name.

They didn't find him, or the trolls that live under any of these bridges. Better luck next time.


The list has evolved slightly, but currently includes the following: princess dolls ("all of them"), a fish tank, and a helmet. Just a helmet. Nothing fun to go with it, no scooter, no bike. Just a helmet.


Our church does a re-creation of what life was like when Jesus was born in Bethlehem - including animals, shops, food and Baby Jesus himself. Baby Jesus was crying when Lucy and Andy were there, and Lucy is still very concerned about him.

"Wait, you mean I can eat these cookies?" And then she went back again, and again, and again...
Making tents.
More snacks.