Thursday, November 5, 2009

Some interesting conversations...

I am quite the chatterbox these days. This morning, when we went to the kitchen for breakfast, the conversation went like this:

Me (in a sad, pouty little voice): "Some cookies?"
Mommy: "No, we're not going to have cookies for breakfast. Would you like an egg sandwich?"
Me (still sad and pouty): "No."
Mommy: "Would you like a muffin?"
Me (as sad as I could make it): "No. Like pancakes."

Of course, I got the pancakes :-)

A little while later, as Mommy was helping me put on my jeans, I looked at her and said, "I LOVE you." (Emphasizing the "love." A first! Daddy says Mommy is bragging on this one, but I have said I love you to Daddy before, just not to Mommy.)

Sunday, November 1, 2009